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Globe Cover

A New Spin on Mission Education—
Canadian Baptist Ministries

Canadian Baptist Ministries is a church-based mission organization working in countries around the world.

Realizing a need to reach its support constituency during “prime time”—Sunday mornings—CBM asked Wes Laing & Associates to suggest some ideas for a new communications vehicle. In response, we created Globe, a full-colour quarterly four-page leaflet sized to fit inside a standard church bulletin. The publication features bite-sized stories plus interactive features for children.

Globe was received with unprecedented enthusiasm in Canadian Baptist churches.

The Enterprise Magazine

A Creative Enterprise—
Canadian Baptist Ministries

Canadian Baptist Ministries is a church-based mission organization working in countries around the world.

In 1973, the mission approached Wes Laing & Associates to design a new quarterly publication for their support constituency.

The result was a partnership that has spanned a quarter of a century, and a publication that has won numerous awards for design and editorial content. It has been designed and produced entirely in our studios and we have also provided editorial servicesfor much of that time.

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Wes Laing & Associates Inc. • 416-236-3737